Grant-in-Aid projects Development Projects

A number of grant-in-aid projects, aggregating around US$ 4.17 Billion, covering various sectors such as infrastructure, hydroelectricity, power transmission, agriculture, education, health, Industry etc, as prioritized by the host governments, are under implementation in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Maldives, Nepal Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Seychelles and other countries. Beyond India’s neighbourhood in South East Asia, Central Asia, Africa and Latin America, bilateral projects in Information and Computer Technology (lCT), Small & Medium enterprises and archaeological conservation have been undertaken.

Iconic projects completed with Government of India grant assistance include construction of Afghan-India Friendship Dam in Afghanistan, Construction of Afghan Parliament Building in Kabul, construction of new ENT hospital project in Mauritius, Metro Express Project in Mauritius, Jaffna Cultural Centre in Sri Lanka, Supreme Court building in Mauritius etc.