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Archive Vacancies
Archive Vacancies
Job Vacancy of Local Clerk in the Consulate at Consulate General of India, Frankfurt
[137 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultants for RRC Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[116 KB]
Job Advertisement for the post of Local Clerk in the Consulate of India, Frankfurt
[114 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of DPO in Central Passport Organisation on deputation basis-reg
[3.32 MB]
Job Vacancy of Marketing Officer at Consulate General of India , Frankfurt
[136 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultants for OIA-I Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[117 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant for PAI Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[106 KB]
Job Advertisement for the post of Local Clerk in the Consulate of India, Frankfurt
[1.7 MB]
Advertisement for Consultants in Logistics Vertical of the G20 Secretariat of the Ministry of External Affairs
[55.6 KB]
Advertisement for Appointment of Yoga Teacher
[543 KB]
Advertisement circular regarding sale of Mercedes Benz Van by CGI, Frankfurt
[30 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Senior Policy Specialist/ Policy Specialist for G-20 Secretariat of the Ministry of External Affairs on Consultancy basis
[126 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultants in Programme Management Unit, PSP Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[515 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultants in PP&R Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[104 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of NEST Fellows in the NEST Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[109 KB]
Filling up of the 10 posts of Under Secretary of deputation basis in Ministry of External Affairs
[5 MB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultants for Summits Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[117 KB]
Vacancy Circular for 14th Meeting of Protectorate of Emigrants (PoE) Establishment Board
[336 KB]
Vacancy circular for the post of Under Secretary (D&ISA) on deputation basis in Ministry of External Affairs
[4.8 MB]
Filling up of the post of Second Secretary (Hindi & Culture) in the High Commission of India in Suva on deputation basis
[151 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultant in Integrated Finance Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[103 KB]
Advertisement for five posts of Assistant Section Officer in the Ministry of External Affairs on deputation
[908 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the two posts of OSDs in MEA on deputation basis-reg
[1.10 MB]
Advertisement for Faculty Member at Sushma Swaraj Institute of Foreign Service, New Delhi – Extension of Last Date of Submission of Application - regarding
[252 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultants in OIA-II Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[125 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultants in OIA-I Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[113 KB]
Advertisement for faculty member at Sushma Swaraj Institute of Foreign Service, New Delhi
[441 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant in CCCS Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[1.97 MB]
Filling up of the post of Director (Library & Information) in Level 13 in the Pay Matrix on deputation basis in the Library & Information Cadre of the Ministry of External Affairs
[92 KB]
Filling up of the post of Library & Information Officer (LIO) in Level 11 in the Pay Matrix on deputation basis in the Library & Information Cadre of the Ministry of External Affairs
[91 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of PO and DPO in Central Passport Organisation on deputation basis
[3.64 MB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant for G20 Secretariat of the Ministry of External Affairs
[102 KB]
Filling up of a post of Deputy Secretary (Hindi) in the Ministry of External Affairs on 'deputation/ re-employment (for ex-serviceman)' basis
[183 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of 02 (two) Consultants in Policy Planning and Research (PP&R) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[122 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of 24 (Twenty Four) Consultants for G20 Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[122 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of 02 (Two) Consultants for PP&R Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[108 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant for Summits Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[101 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant for AMS Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[57 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant for ED Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[57 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant for MER Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[104 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant in OIA-II Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[58 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant in OIA-I Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[102 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of Assistant Passport Officer in Central Passport Organisation on deputation basis-reg
[3.37 MB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultants for G-20 Secretariat of the Ministry of External Affairs
[119 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant for Nalanda University (PP&R Division) of the Ministry of External Affairs
[57 KB]
Term of Reference Internship Programme for calendar year 2022
[110 KB]
Deputation of one ICT Advisor to Cambodia for a period of 2 years under ITEC programme
[227 KB]
Deputation of one Conservation Expert (Structural) to Cambodia for a period of 3 years under ITEC programme
[257 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant for Centre of Contemporary China Studies (CCCS) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[103 KB]
Advertisement for contractual & part-time basis appointment of GYM instructor at Sushma Swaraj Bhawan (SSB), Chanakyapuri, New Delhi
[101 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultants for Centre of Contemporary China Studies (CCCS) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[118 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant for Policy Planning and Research (PP&R) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[253 KB]
Filling up of the post of Deputy Secretary (Hindi) on deputation basis
[633 KB]
Filling up of the post of Second Secretary (Hindi & Culture) in High Commission of India at Suva on deputation basis
[522 KB]
Advertisement for contractual & part-time basis appointment of GYM instructor Sushma Swaraj Bhawan (SSB), Chanakyapuri, New Delhi
[126 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant for Economic Diplomacy (ED) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[102 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant (Court Cases) for CPV Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[104 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant for Nalanda University (PP&R Division) of the Ministry of External Affairs
[2.46 MB]
Engagement of Technology Specialist on Contractual Basis (Full Time)
[104 KB]
Advertisement for vacancies of Deputy Director and Assistant Director(Law) in SAARC Arbitration Council(SARCO)
[797 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant in PP&R Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[57 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant in D&ISA Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[2.09 MB]
Vacancy announcement for the professional positions of "Senior Program Specialist (Livestock) and Senior Program Specialist (Natural Resource Management)
[562 KB]
Term of Reference Internship Programme for calendar year 2021
[305 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of two Consultants in DPA-III Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[342 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant in AMS Division of the Ministry of External Affairs.
[108 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Two Consultants in PP&R Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[386 KB]
Vacancy Announcement for posts of "Teaching and non-teaching positions in South Asian University" - reg
[7 MB]
'Vacancy Announcement' for the post of "Culture Specialist (Programmes) in SAARC Cultural Centre" -Extension of closing date. reg
[564 KB]
Vacancy Announcement for the post of ‘Culture Specialist (Programmes) in SAARC Cultural Centre – Extension of closing date
[5,820 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Two Consultants in IP Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[56 KB]
Revised Advertisement for Engagement of Two Consultants in HADR Cell of Development Partnership Administration -II (DPA-II) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[107 KB]
Advertisement for appointment of Yoga Teacher
[487 KB]
Vacancy Announcement for the Post of Cultural Specialist-Programmes at the SAARC Cultural Centre, Sri Lanka
[1,733 KB]
Vacancy announcement of Senior Program Specialist (Priority Setting & Program Development) at SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC)
[5,018 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant in Legal & Treaties (L&T) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[146 KB]
Vacancy Announcement for the post of Project Coordinator at SAARC Agriculture Centre for SAC-IFAD Project on "Consortium for Scaling-up Climate Smart Agriculture in South Asia (C-SUCSeS)" through open competition among the nationals of the SAARC region
[2.17 MB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of PO and DPO in Central Passport Organisation on deputation basis
[3.37 MB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultants in Multilateral Economic Relations (MER) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[112 KB]
Advertisement for one post of Section Officer in the Ministry of External Affairs on deputation
[2 MB]
Job Vacancy of local clerks in Consulate General of India, Frankfurt
[345 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultants in Centre of Contemporary China Studies (CCCS) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[75 KB]
Vacancy announcement for the recruitment of professional staff for the post of Epidemiologist and Technical Officer at STAC, Kathmandu
[478 KB]
Vacancy announcement for the recruitment of professional staff for the post of Research Officer at the STAC Kathmandu
[115 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant in UNP Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[27 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultants in Centre of Contemporary China Studies (CCCS) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[75 KB]
Vacancy announcement for the recruitment of professional staff for the post of Epidemiologist and Technical Officer at STAC, Kathmandu
[478 KB]
Vacancy announcement for the recruitment of professional staff for the post of Research Officer at the STAC Kathmandu
[115 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant in UNP Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[27 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Two Consultants in HADR Cell of Development Partnership Administration -II (DPA-II) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[46 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant (Court Cases) in CPV Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[105 KB]
Vacancy circular for the post of Director on deputation basis in MEA
[1846 KB]
Vacancy circular for the post of DS / Director on deputation basis in MEA
[2030 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant (Legal) in Economic Diplomacy (ED) and States Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[27 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant (Transport Engg.) in Development Partnership Administration-III (DPA-III) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[110 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of a Consultant (Legal) in Development Partnership Administration-III (DPA-III) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[107 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultant in Consular, Passport and Visa(CPV) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[28 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultants in Multilateral Economic Relations (MER) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[105 KB]
Vacancy Circular for 10th Protectorate of Emigrants (PoE) Establishment Board
[122 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement as Consultant (Extradition) in the CPV Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[105 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of PO, DPO and APO in Central Passport Organisation on deputation basis
[4348 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement as NEST Fellows in the New, Emerging & Strategic Technologies (NEST) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs on Consultancy basis
[41 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultants in DPA-IV Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[109 KB]
Advertisement for the post of Consultant in OIA-II Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[108 KB]
Vacancy announcement for the post of CEO for the SAARC Development Fund (SDF)
[384 KB]
Advertisement for the post of Consultants in PP&R Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[110 KB]
Advertisement for the post of Consultants in IP Division of the Ministry of External Affairs
[107 KB]
BIMSTEC Flag and Logo competition
Advertisement for the post of two Interns by India Centre for Migration (ICM)
[32 KB]
Extension of deadline for submission of Application for the post of Deputy Director and Sr. Microbiologist, at the STAC
[573 KB]
Vacancy for the Post of Assistant Director, Legal, SAARC Development Fund
[669 KB]
Advertisement for hiring of consultant (Communication) in PP&R Division
[42 KB]
Filling up of the post of Under Secretary / Deputy Secretary on deputation basis in Ministry of External Affairs
[305 KB]
Deputation of a Medical expert to Mauritius under ITEC (Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation) programme
[11 KB]
Deputation of Medical experts to Seychelles under ITEC (Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation) programme
[11 KB]
Vacancy circular for the post of Passport Officers in various Passport Offices under Central Passport Organisation on deputation basis
[126 KB]
Advertisement for Post of Consultant in Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi
[126 KB]
Vacancy of the post of Assistant Library and Information Officer to be filled up on deputation basis
[819 KB]
Vacancy Circular for Administrative Board for the office of PoE Guwahati, Bengaluru and Patna
[113 KB]
Atal Bhashanter Yojana
Vacancy Announcements of the posts of Deputy Director(Programme), Deputy Director (Research) and Culture Specialist (Research) at the SAARC Cultural Centre (SCC)
[3.52 MB]
Filling up the post of Assistant Section Officer (ASO) in the Branch Secretariat, Kolkata, Ministry of External Affairs on deputation
[2.29 MB]
Advertisement for the selection of a consultant in MADAD in CPV Division
[4.72 MB]
Expression of Interest on Empanelment of Conservation Experts in MEA
[4.72 MB]
Advertisement for the selection of a consultant in CCCS Division
[44 KB]
Vacancy Announcement for Director, Economic and Infrastructure Windows, SAARC Development Fund
[47 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultants
[163 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Passport Officers in Central Passport Organisation on deputation basis-reg
[3.61 MB]
Advertisement for recruitment to the post of President, South Asian University
[456 KB]
Advertisement for faculty at Foreign Service Institute, New Delhi
[456 KB]
Advertisement for the selection of a consultant in BIMSTEC Division
[852 KB]
Advertisement for the post of 'Account Officer' by India Centre for migration (ICM)
[578 KB]
Appointment to the post of Interpreter (Senior Scale) in Spanish Language in Level 11 of Pay Matrix on deputation basis in the Ministry of External Affairs
[625 KB]
Vacancy Announcement for Director, Economic and Infrastructure Windows, SAARC Development Fund
[47 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultants
[163 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Passport Officers in Central Passport Organisation on deputation basis-reg
[3.61 MB]
Advertisement for recruitment to the post of President, South Asian University
[456 KB]
Advertisement for faculty at Foreign Service Institute, New Delhi
[456 KB]
Advertisement for the selection of a consultant in BIMSTEC Division
[852 KB]
Advertisement for the post of 'Account Officer' by India Centre for migration (ICM)
[578 KB]
Appointment to the post of Interpreter (Senior Scale) in Spanish Language in Level 11 of Pay Matrix on deputation basis in the Ministry of External Affairs
[625 KB]
Recruitment of Consultants for Project Management Unit (PMU), Passport Seva Project (PSP) Division
[895 KB]
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultant
[652 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the posts of Passport Officer and Deputy Passport Officers in Central Passport Organisation on deputation basis
[632 KB]
Filling up of the posts of Attache (Hindi & Culture) and Senior Hindi Translator in Indian Missions abroad on deputation basis.
[445 KB]
SAARC Cultural Centre invites proposals from scholars, academicians, researchers of the SAARC Member States for contributing towards publication titled "Culture of the SAARC-Pathway of Experience"
[213 KB]
Applications/Nominations invited for the position of Resident Advisor, ACARE based at Yezin Agricultural University (YAU) Campus, NayPyiTaw, Myanmar
[852 KB]
Advertisement for the post of Consultants in MEA
[632 KB]
Advertisement for the post of Consultants in the Ministry of External Affairs
[225 KB]
Vacancy Circular for deputation of Sr Auditors and Sr Accountants as ASOs in the Ministry of External Affairs
[556 KB]
Vacancy Circular for deputation of Assistant Section Officers (ASOs) in the Ministry of External Affairs
[663 KB]
Draft Emigration Bill, 2019
[326 KB]
Advertisement & Application Form - Application Notice for the Atal Bhashantar Yojana
[456 KB]
Filling up of post of Under Secretary/Deputy Secretary on deputation basis in Ministry of External Affairs.
[321 KB]
Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Passport Officers in various Passport Offices under Central Passport Organisation on deputation basis
[874 KB]
Filling up of post of Deputy Secretary on deputation basis in Ministry of External Affairs
[895 KB]
Appointment for filling up the post of Under Secretary with specialization in Hindi on deputation basis in Ministry of External Affairs
[325 KB]
Recruitment - Consultants for PMU
[213 KB]
Vacancy Circular for Protector of Emigrants Establishment Board – VII
[652 KB]
Vacancy Announcement at SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC), Dhaka
[521 KB]
Notice inviting applications for deputation as 'Advisor to the Namibia Institute of Public Administration and Management (NIPAM)', Windhoek, Namibia under ITEC norms.
[451 KB]
Recruitment of new staff (Japanese Language Teacher) At the Japanese Language Teachers Training Centre under India-Japan Memorandum of Cooperation in the Field of Japanese Language Education in India, Ministry of External Affairs & Embassy of Japan
[452 KB]
Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant Passport Officers in various Passport Offices under Central Passport Organisation on deputation basis
[985 KB]
Advertisement for the post of Consultant in the Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi
[752 KB]
Vacancy circular for the post of Assistant Passport Officer in Passport Office Kolkata in Central Passport Organisation on deputation basis
[159 KB]
Filling up of post of Attache (Hindi & Culture) in Consulate General of India, Durban on "deputation basis" _ reg
[753 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Passport Officers and Assistant Passport Officers in Central Passport Organisation on deputation basis
[321 KB]
Advertisement for Consultants in Ministry of External Affairs
[523 KB]
Filling up of posts of Second Secretary (Hindi & Culture) in High Commissions of India at Suva, Port Louis and Port of Spain.
[542 KB]
Filling up of one post of Executive Engineer (Civil) in the Embassy of India, Kathmandu and two posts of Director (Legal and Treaties) and one post of Legal Officer (Grade-1) in the Ministry of External Affairs on deputation basis
[564 KB]
Vacancy Announcement for Professional Position under SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC)
[555 KB]
Clarification on vacancy circular for filling up of 02 posts of Deputy Secretary on deputation in MEA
[669 KB]
SAARC Agriculture Centre PhD Scholarship: Call for Application
[632 KB]
Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Passport Officer in Passport Office, Amritsar in Central Passport Organisation on deputation basis.
[111 KB]
Vacancy Announcement by SAARC Arbitration Council, Islamabad
[523 KB]
Deputation Vacancy Circular at the level of Deputy Secretary/Under Secretary, Section Officers, ASO and JSA/SSA in POE Offices
[659 KB]
Advertisement for Faculty at Foreign Service Institute, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi
[635 KB]
Advertisement for Empanelment of Faculty at Foreign Service Institute, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi
[552 KB]
Advertisement for the post of Deputy Dean (Academic) at Foreign Service Institute, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi
[418 KB]
Vacancy circular for filling up to 02 posts of Deputy Secretary on deputation in MEA
[487 KB]
Vacancy circular for the post of Passport Officer, Deputy Passport Officer and Assistant Passport Officer in Central Passport Organisation on deputation basis
[136 KB]
Vacancy circular for the post of Passport Officer, Deputy Passport Officer and Assistant Passport Officer in Central Passport Organisation on deputation basis.
[184 KB]
Invitation of Bids to engage the services of a Consultant for Public Diplomacy and Public Outreach Work
[321 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of Passport Officer, Deputy Passport Officer and Assistant Passport Officer in Central Passport Organisation on deputation basis
[541 KB]
Vacancies for the posts of Consultants in the Ministry of External Affairs Hqrs., New Delhi.
[526 KB]
Vacancy announcement for various posts in SAARC Development Fund, Thimphu
[326 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of Passport Officer, Deputy Passport Officer and Assistant Passport Officer in Central Passport Organisation on deputation basis
[754 KB]
Vacancy circular for Filling up of post of Section Officer (SO) and Assistant Section Officer (ASO) In the Ministry of External Affairs on deputation
[985 KB]
Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Passport Officer at Passport Office, Jammu on deputation basis
[326 KB]
Vacancies of Deputy Secretary/Under Secretary, Section Officers, ASO and JSA/SSA, in POE Offices
[121 KB]
Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Secretary(Hindi) on deputation basis in the Ministry of External Affairs
[121 KB]
Vacancy circular for the post of Passport Officer at Passport Office, Ghaziabad on deputation basis
[454 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of Passport Officer, Shimla in CPO on deputation basis
[787 KB]
Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Secretary (Hindi) on deputation basis in Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi
[159 KB]
Vacancy for 2 posts of Director (L&T) on deputation basis in L&T Division of Ministry of External Affairs
[147 KB]
Vacancy for 2 posts of Legal officer (Grade-I) on deputation basis in L&T Division of Ministry of External Affairs
[126 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of Passport Officer and Assistant Passport Officer on deputation basis
[952 KB]
Vacancy circular for the posts of First Secretary /Second Secretary (Development Cooperation) in our Missions in Accra, Abuja, Addis Ababa, Colombo, Dakar, Dar-es-Salam, ASEAN Mission in Jakarta, Maputo and Windhoek
[412 KB]
Vacancy Circular- Protector of Emigrants Establishment Board - III
[652 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Director (Law), in SARCO Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan
[235 KB]
Vacancy circular for the posts of Consultants in the Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi
[458 KB]
Vacancy circular for the filling up the posts of Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer on deputation basis in Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi
[563 KB]
Vacancy circular for posts of Accountant on deputation at O/o Pr. CCA, M/o External Affairs at New Delhi
[214 KB]
Vacancy Circular for filling up of the post of Director/Deputy Secretary on deputation basis in the Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi
[326 KB]
Vacancies for the post of Culture Specialist at SAARC Cultural Centre, Colombo
[523 KB]
Vacancy circular for the post of Deputy Passport Officer and Assistant Passport Officer
[123 KB]
Vacancy circular for the post of Medical Officer in High Commission of India, Islamabad
[223 KB]
Vacancy circular for the post of Passport Officer, Deputy Passport Officer and Assistant Passport Officer
[231 KB]
Vacancy circular for the posts of Consultants in the Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi
[215 KB]
Vacancy circular for the post of Medical Officer in High Commission of India, Islamabad
[552 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of Passport Officer and Deputy Passport Officer on deputation basis
[223 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of CEO, Haj Committee of India, Mumbai
[332 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of Passport Officer
[115 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Passport Officer
[216 KB]
Vacancies at SAARC Agriculture Centre, Dhaka
[423 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Secretary and Under Secretary on deputation basis in Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi
[213 KB]
Filling up a post of Counsellor at Embassy of India, Vienna
[543 KB]
Vacancy Circular for various posts in SAARC Development Fund, Thimpu, Bhutan
[741 KB]
Vacancy Circular for filling up the post of Consultants in Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi
[465 KB]
Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Deputy Secretary (Legal)/ Under Secretary (Legal) on deputation basis
[852 KB]
Vacancy Circular for filling up the post of Advisor(Japan) on deputation basis
[258 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of Passport Officer, Passport Office, Delhi
[963 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of Library and Information Officer (equivalent to Deputy Secretary / Under Secretary Rank) on deputation in Pravasi Bhartiya Kendra, Ministry of External Affairs
[324 KB]
Vacancy circular for filling up of nine posts of First Secretary/Second Secretary (Dev. Coop.) in our Missions in Accra, Abuja, Addis Ababa, Colombo, Dakar, Dar-es-Salam, ASEAN Mission in Jakarta, Maputo and Windhoek.
[418 KB]
Vacancy Circular for the post of Medical Officer in High Commission of India, Islamabad
[526 KB]
Vacancy circular for filling up the posts of Japanese Language Interpreter on deputation basis
[785 KB]
Vacancy circular for filling up posts of Director in MEA on deputation basis
[326 KB]
Vacancy circular for filling up posts of Japanese Language Interpreter in MEA on deputation basis
[853 KB]
Filling up of the posts of Deputy Secretary and Under Secretary on deputation basis in the Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi
[121 KB]
ToR for Recruitment of a Fellow for drafting Emigration Management Bill
[232 KB]
Appointment of retired Officers for empanelment as Inquiry Officers for conducting Departmental Inquiries in Ministry of External Affairs
[312 KB]
Corrigendum to Advertisement for Consultant- Hindi
[11 KB]
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