The Foreign Secretary is the Chief Accounting Authority in the Ministry of External Affairs. He discharges his functions with the assistance of the Addl.Secretary(FA) and the Principal Chief Controller of Accounts.
The Accounting Organization of Ministry of External Affairs is headed by the Principal Chief Controller of Accounts supported by a Controller of Accounts, 5 Senior Accounts Officers, 22 Assistant Accounts Officers and about 100 other staff members at various levels. The office services the payment and accounting requirements of the Ministry of External Affairs at New Delhi, 30 Regional Passport Offices (RPOs) and 161 Missions/Posts abroad. State Bank of India is the accredited bank of the Ministry of External Affairs.
27 RPOs functioning outside Delhi have been authorized to issue cheques for meeting some of their expenditure commitments. The list of payments submitted by these out station RPOs are compiled and incorporated in the accounts of the Government in the office of the Principal Chief Controller of Accounts.
Drawing and Disbursing Officers located at the Headquarters submit their bills to the Pay & Accounts Officers under the pre-check system of payment.
The 161 Missions/Posts abroad are placed with funds periodically by the Ministry and have been authorized to make all payments as required from time to time. They submit monthly cash accounts to the office of the Principal Chief Controller of Accounts which in turn are compiled and incorporated in the accounts of the Government.
Receipts (within India-mainly Passport Fees) of the Ministry are collected in the RPOs and accounted for in the office of the Principal Chief Controller of Accounts. Similarly Passport, Visa and Consular fee collections by the Missions/Posts abroad flow through the Cash Accounts rendered by the Missions/Posts.
Excess funds in foreign currencies with the Missions/Posts abroad are remitted by them to the office of the Principal Chief Controller of Accounts.
In addition to its own expenditure, the Ministry of External Affairs also incurs expenditure in India and the Missions/Posts abroad, on behalf of other functional Ministries/Departments. These are accounted for/settled with the concerned Ministries/Departments as laid down in the Rules.
The office of the Principal Chief Controller of Accounts is responsible for all payment and accounting functions such as:
Arranging all payments after pre-check through the Pay and Accounts Officers.
Ensuring post-check of payments in all cases where the payment function is with the departmental officers.
Exercising watch on expenditure in relation to the approved budget.
Monthly and Annual compilation & consolidation of accounts of the Ministry of External Affairs and their onward transmission to the Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance.
Preparation of Annual Appropriation Accounts duly audited for the grants controlled by the Ministry of External Affairs.
Arranging internal inspection of payment and accounts records maintained by the various field formations of Ministry of External Affairs in India and abroad.
Accounting for all receipts of the Ministry of External Affairs.
Directory of Pay & Accounts Office, CDDO & NCDDO of MEA & MOIA
(Size : 200 KB)
Click the Month to get Monthly Accounts Statements
Monthly Accounts Statements Monthly Accounts Statements for Year 2018-2019 |
April (Size : 200 KB) | May (Size : 110 KB) | June (Size : 123 KB) |
Accounts at a Glance for the Financial Year 2016-17
(Size : 200 KB)
Monthly Accounts Statements Monthly Accounts Statements for Year 2016-2017 |
October (Size : 147 KB) | November (Size : 321 KB) | December (Size : 548 KB) |
January (Size : 234 KB) | February (Size : 456 KB) | |
Monthly Accounts Statements Monthly Accounts Statements for Year 2015-2016 |
April (Size : 521 KB) | May (Size : 215 KB) | June (Size : 565 KB) |
July (Size : 874 KB) | August (Size : 256 KB) | September (Size : 152 KB) |
October (Size : 241 KB) | | |
Accounts at a Glance for the Financial Year 2014-15
(Size : 417 KB)
Monthly Accounts Statements Monthly Accounts Statements for Year 2010-2011 |
April (Size : 414 KB) | May (Size : 200 KB) | June (Size : 420 KB) |
July (Size : 200 KB) | August (Size : 200 KB) | November (Size : 450 KB) |
December (Size : 250 KB) | January (Size : 240 KB) | February (Size : 201 KB) |
Monthly Accounts Statements Monthly Accounts Statements for Year 2009-2010 |
April (Size : 240 KB) | June (Size : 200 KB) | July (Size : 252 KB) |
August (Size : 200 KB) | December (Size : 452 KB) | January (Size : 240 KB) |
February (Size : 510 KB) | | |
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